Our Tax Policy: 2021-22
We are committed to paying all the taxes that we owe in accordance with the spirit of tax laws that apply to our operations in the UK. We believe that paying our taxes in this way is the clearest indication we can give of being socially responsible participants.
We will fulfill our commitment to paying the appropriate taxes that we owe by seeking to pay the right amount of tax (but no more), at the right rate, in the right place and at the right time. We aim to do this by ensuring that reporting of our tax affairs accurately reflects the economic reality of the transactions we undertake in the course of our trade.
We will never seek to use those options made available in tax law, or the allowances and reliefs that it provides, in ways that are contrary to the spirit of the law. Nor will we undertake specific transactions with the sole or main aim of securing tax advantages that would otherwise not be available to us, based on the reality of the trade that we undertake.
As a result, the company will never undertake transactions that would require notification to HM Revenue & Customs under the Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes Regulations, or participate in any arrangement to which it might be reasonably anticipated that the UK’s General Anti-Abuse Rule might apply.
We believe tax havens undermine the UK’s tax system. As a result, whilst we will trade with customers and suppliers genuinely located in places considered to be tax havens, we will not make use of those locations to secure a tax advantage, and nor will we take advantage of the secrecy that many such jurisdictions provide for transactions recorded within them.
Our accounts will be prepared in compliance with this policy and will seek to provide all that information that users, including HM Revenue & Customs and the General Public, might need to accurately appraise our tax position. Additionally, this policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it correctly reflects our position on tax.